Today is Tooth Fairy Day

The Tooth Fairy is one hard-working little fairy and we want to honor this her by making her job a little easier. She works hard all night, every night, to make sure all the kiddos get rewarded for their lost teeth… it’s time we do something nice for her!

Here are some fun things you and the kiddos can do to make the Tooth Fairy's visit extra special!

Leave a note for the Tooth Fairy under your pillow with your tooth.

Make a special tiny pillow with a tooth pocket so the Tooth Fairy knows exactly where to find your tooth.

Leave a small gift under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy (we hear she loves sugar-free candy!).

Make sure your tooth is nice and clean before you put it under your pillow.

Leave a photo of your smiling face showing the Tooth Fairy where you tooth used to be. She loves collecting these photos!